I was very fortunate to go the the studio of Rob Ryan this morning in East London. It was everything I hoped it would be to be honest. Very relaxing and inspiring. One thing that caught my eye was a print by a girl called Hazel that works with Rob, which you can see above. I think everything is nice, so I just thought it was perfect so bought one for £12.50. I'll find out if she has A website in case anyone else would like to buy one for themselves or someone else! Just remember IT'S NICE TO BE NICE!
Here is another satisfied customer showing you how you can wear the Horse Pendant. I looks really cool all layered up with the other chains and charms!
Have been looking at beautifully illustrated Raymond Peynet books today and they are soooooooooo romantic and funny they are amazing (I'll put up some exmaples in a bit). It is getting me very excited as we are off to Paris at the end of the month and it has to be the most romantic city!
Here is a photo of Stuart and I when we got engaged by the Mermaid Pool on Burgh Island. My favorite night ever x
Did a little bit of shopping at the weekend and popped in to the lovely Labour of Love shop on Upper St in Angel. They have a nice selection of my jewellery in there and they do really with the Sequinned Peter Pan Collars. The three colours look really lovely together and the Gold one in the window with the pink outfit is smashing!
Here is a photo of my fellow Russians, of whom I spent the New Year with in the Rose Cottage in Bovey Castle. With my Ivory Cape and Fur Hat the four of us looked quite a sight on our trip up to the Castle for the Falconry display!